In the sprawling tapestry of human history, there emerge individuals whose life’s narrative transcends the ordinary, weaving a story of profound dedication, education, and advocacy. Noble I’m Manu-El:Bey, born in Lyons, Georgia, in 1947, stands as a living testament to the transformative power of unwavering commitment to human rights. His journey, spanning over seven decades, is a testament to the enduring resilience of the human spirit in the face of systemic injustices. From early inspirations drawn from the writings of W.E.B. DuBois to his international declarations affirming his human rights, Manu-El:Bey’s life unfolds as an epic saga of empowerment, education, and the relentless pursuit of justice. As we delve into the chapters of his story, we encounter a legacy that calls us to action, urging us to stand united in the pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

Cultivating a Passion for Justice: The Early Activism Years (1947-1957)

   In the quaint town of Lyons, Georgia, the 17th of March in 1947 marked the inception of a remarkable journey—a journey that would see the emergence of Noble I’m Manu-El:Bey as a fervent advocate for human rights. From his formative years, a deeply ingrained commitment to justice began to take root, sown in the fertile soil of his hometown. The echoes of this commitment resonated throughout his upbringing, shaping the contours of a life that would be dedicated to dismantling systemic injustices and championing the cause of equality. At the age of 10, an encounter with the writings of W.E.B. DuBois, notably “An Appeal to the World,” served as the catalyst for what would become a lifelong mission. These early experiences laid the groundwork for a passion that would not only define Manu-El:Bey’s existence but also propel him onto a trajectory of unwavering advocacy for human rights.


Educational Initiatives (1959-1965): A Scholarly Pursuit of Justice

As the calendar turned to 1959, a 12-year-old Manu-El:Bey embarked on a scholarly exploration that would shape his evolving understanding of justice and human rights. With a keen sense of intellectual curiosity, he delved into the profound document known as the “Rights of the Child,” signaling an early recognition of the significance of fundamental rights for every individual, regardless of age. This early engagement was not merely an academic exercise but a precursor to a lifetime commitment to championing the rights of the vulnerable.

In the subsequent years, Manu-El:Bey’s educational journey took a deeper turn as he immersed himself in the study of the historic petition “We Charge Genocide,” a courageous filing from the year 1951 that sought redress for crimes against the Negro People in the United States. This pivotal moment further ignited his determination to comprehend the depths of systemic injustices and fueled a passion for understanding and addressing the plight of marginalized communities. The seeds of activism planted during these educational initiatives would blossom into a relentless pursuit of justice in the years to come, illustrating that the pursuit of knowledge can be a powerful catalyst for transformative advocacy.


The Awakening (1968-1989): A Transformative Era of Advocacy

As the societal tides shifted in the late 1960s, Manu-El:Bey’s activism entered a pivotal phase that would shape the trajectory of his lifelong commitment to human rights. Influenced by the resounding words of stalwart advocates such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X, he found himself at the crossroads of a comprehensive exploration—this time, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The late 1960s were more than a chronological marker; they represented a profound awakening for Manu-El:Bey, a period during which his dedication to the principles of human rights deepened and took on new dimensions.

Eleanor Roosevelt’s poignant quote, “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home,” resonated with Manu-El:Bey on a profound level. This sentiment became a guiding light, illuminating his path toward a grassroots approach to human rights advocacy. It was during this transformative era that he recognized the inherent power of local initiatives in fostering global change. The late 1960s laid the groundwork for Manu-El:Bey’s future endeavors, underscoring the importance of advocating for universal human rights at the community level—an ethos that would become a hallmark of his impactful work in the years to come.

Advocacy for Ratification (1989-1998): Championing Children’s Rights on the Global Stage

The dawn of 1989 marked a significant shift in Manu-El:Bey’s advocacy journey as he directed his focus towards a cause close to his heart—the Convention for the Rights of the Child (CRC). A fervent believer in the inherent rights of every young individual, Manu-El:Bey undertook the mission of advocating for the ratification of the CRC. This period marked a pivotal juncture in his commitment to not only recognizing but also safeguarding the rights of the world’s youngest and most vulnerable citizens.

Embracing a dual approach, Manu-El:Bey set out to raise awareness about children’s rights both nationally and internationally. His efforts transcended geographical boundaries as he tirelessly worked to ensure that the CRC, a document crucial for the protection and well-being of children globally, garnered the attention and endorsement it deserved. The years from 1989 to 1998 encapsulated a chapter of Manu-El:Bey’s advocacy characterized by a steadfast dedication to promoting the rights of the most vulnerable members of society.

In this period, Manu-El:Bey became a beacon for children’s rights, emphasizing the need for comprehensive recognition and protection at the highest echelons of governance. His advocacy was not merely a symbolic gesture; it was a proactive endeavor to instigate tangible change and secure a brighter, more equitable future for generations to come. The legacy of his efforts during these years echoes in the ongoing discourse on children’s rights, demonstrating that advocacy, when rooted in genuine commitment, has the power to shape global narratives and policies.


Affirming Rights on the International Stage (1998-2002): A Bold Declaration of Identity and Rights

In the lead-up to the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1998, Manu-El:Bey embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor that would cement his presence on the international stage. Armed with a profound commitment to the principles enshrined in the UDHR, he took a decisive step by officially filing affidavits and documents with the United Nations.

This pivotal act went beyond a mere administrative gesture—it was a bold assertion of Manu-El:Bey’s rights as a Moorish Aboriginal National. The documents submitted affirmed not only his lawful nationality but also his domicile, right to travel, and tax status. In essence, Manu-El:Bey was making a powerful statement, declaring his identity and rights on the global platform of human rights advocacy.

The significance of this action extended far beyond personal affirmation; it resonated with the essence of the UDHR itself, emphasizing the universality and inalienability of human rights. Manu-El:Bey’s move symbolized the assertion of individual rights on the international stage, reinforcing the idea that every person, irrespective of background or origin, has the inherent right to be recognized and acknowledged within the framework of global human rights principles.

This period from 1998 to 2002 stands as a testament to Manu-El:Bey’s unwavering commitment to not only championing human rights but also actively participating in the mechanisms that uphold and protect these rights on a global scale. His bold declaration echoes in the halls of international human rights discourse, underscoring the importance of individual agency in the pursuit of a world where rights are universally acknowledged, respected, and protected.


Global Citizenship and Declarations (2001-2011): Embracing a Worldview in Human Rights Advocacy

The dawn of the new millennium in 2001 marked a profound expansion of Manu-El:Bey’s horizons as he took a significant step towards global citizenship. Embracing a broader worldview, he became a World Citizen with the World Service Authority, an act that symbolized his commitment to a universal perspective in the pursuit of human rights. This transformative decision signaled a departure from conventional boundaries, emphasizing a collective responsibility for the safeguarding of fundamental rights on a global scale.

In the subsequent years, from 2001 to 2011, Manu-El:Bey translated his global citizenship into tangible action by sending declarations to both the United Nations and the Organization of American States. These declarations were more than mere statements—they were a proclamation of his unwavering intent to actively exercise all of his human rights. By engaging with international institutions, Manu-El:Bey positioned himself as a dynamic participant in the global dialogue on human rights, contributing his voice to the collective call for the recognition and protection of the rights inherent to every individual.

This period encapsulates a chapter in Manu-El:Bey’s advocacy journey characterized by a commitment to transcending borders—both physical and conceptual. His embrace of global citizenship and active participation in international declarations underscore the interconnectedness of human rights, transcending nationalities and affirming the shared responsibility to foster a world where the dignity and rights of every individual are universally acknowledged and upheld.


Multifaceted Engagement (2011-2022): A Continuing Legacy of Advocacy

In the years that unfolded from 2011 onwards, Manu-El:Bey’s commitment to human rights remained steadfast, marked by a diverse and multifaceted engagement that echoed the principles of equality, justice, and the enduring significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). A pivotal aspect of this period was his annual celebration of Human Rights Day, aligning with various themes that reflected the evolving landscape of human rights advocacy.

Beyond the realm of annual celebrations, Manu-El:Bey’s influence extended to the support of international initiatives that resonated with his core values. He actively championed the cause of the International Year for People of African Descent, a global undertaking aimed at recognizing the contributions and addressing the challenges faced by people of African descent worldwide. Additionally, his support extended to the International Decade for People of African Descent, emphasizing the importance of sustained efforts to promote justice, equality, and the rights of individuals of African descent over an extended period.

This era in Manu-El:Bey’s advocacy journey showcases a dynamic and evolving approach to human rights engagement. His alignment with various themes and international initiatives illustrates a nuanced understanding of the interconnectedness of global human rights issues. By actively participating in and supporting these initiatives, Manu-El:Bey contributed to a broader narrative of inclusivity, justice, and the ongoing quest for a world where every individual, regardless of their background, can live free from discrimination and enjoy the full spectrum of their human rights.


Recognition and Ordainment (2001-2009): Acknowledgment of Commitment


In the span of 2001 to 2009, Manu-El:Bey’s resolute dedication to the cause of human rights garnered significant recognition and acknowledgment. In 2001, he took a pivotal step in embracing a global perspective by becoming a World Citizen with the World Service Authority. This symbolic act not only affirmed his commitment to transcending national boundaries but also underscored the interconnected nature of human rights on a global scale.

As Manu-El:Bey continued to actively engage in the discourse of human rights, his unwavering commitment did not go unnoticed. In 2009, after many years as a professed “Spiritual Humanist,” he received a profound acknowledgment of his commitment to spiritual and humanitarian principles. The Church of Spiritual Humanism ordained him, marking a significant recognition of his dedication to principles that transcend conventional boundaries.

These moments of recognition and ordainment serve as milestones in Manu-El:Bey’s journey, highlighting not only his commitment to the global cause of human rights but also the intersectionality of his beliefs. By embracing both a global citizenship perspective and spiritual ordainment, he exemplifies the interconnectedness of diverse ideologies in the pursuit of a world where the inherent dignity and rights of every individual are recognized and celebrated.


Celebrating a Legacy (2021-2022): A Continuing Impact on Global Discourse

In the recent years of 2021 and 2022, Manu-El:Bey’s advocacy journey persisted, marked by a commitment to commemorating significant international days that align with his core values. His active participation in events such as International Youth Day, International Day of Peace, and the International Convention on the Rights of the Child underscores a continuous dedication to promoting the well-being and rights of diverse populations, especially the youth.

Manu-El:Bey’s reach extended far beyond individual celebrations, encompassing a global spectrum that celebrated diversity and firmly stood against racism. His advocacy work served as a testament to the enduring principles of equality, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of a world where discrimination has no place.

These recent years stand as a testament to the ongoing impact of Manu-El:Bey’s legacy on the global discourse surrounding human rights. By actively engaging with international initiatives and commemorations, he reinforces the timeless importance of recognizing and safeguarding the rights of every individual, irrespective of age, background, or ethnicity. Manu-El:Bey’s contributions continue to resonate, echoing in the collective call for a more inclusive, just, and equitable world.


The Call to Action: Embracing a Legacy of Dedication and Activism

In contemplating the expansive journey of Noble I’m Manu-El:Bey, one cannot help but recognize the profound legacy he has forged—a legacy marked by unwavering dedication, transformative education, and impactful activism. From the early sparks ignited by influential writings to the resounding echoes of his international declarations affirming fundamental human rights, Manu-El:Bey has left an indelible mark on the landscape of human rights advocacy.

As we stand on the precipice of an ever-evolving world, the call to action becomes clear. Manu-El:Bey’s journey serves as an inspiration, urging us to embrace the spirit of dedication and activism that defines his legacy. It beckons individuals, communities, and institutions to join the collective endeavor of championing human rights—locally and globally.

The call to action is an invitation to educate, inform, and empower. It is a reminder that the pursuit of justice and equality requires continuous effort and engagement. Whether through grassroots initiatives, international declarations, or steadfast support for the rights of marginalized communities, each action contributes to the collective tapestry of positive change.

Manu-El:Bey’s legacy is not a passive testament but a living, breathing call to action. It challenges us to be vigilant advocates, unyielding educators, and compassionate defenders of human rights. In the face of challenges, it inspires us to stand firm, echoing the belief that every individual has inherent dignity and rights that deserve protection and recognition.

The journey continues, and the call to action resounds—inviting us to be active participants in the ongoing narrative of human rights advocacy. As we carry forward the torch lit by Manu-El:Bey, we become part of a legacy that transcends time—a legacy that champions the timeless ideals of justice, equality, and the inalienable rights of every individual.

Currently, Noble I’m Manu-El:Bey is continuing his work in promoting human rights education, activism and defense. He is involved in a number of organizations and initiatives, including:

  • The International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024): Manu-El:Bey is a strong supporter of this initiative, which aims to promote the rights and well-being of people of African descent around the world.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Manu-El:Bey continues to educate people about their rights under the UDHR, and he advocates for the full implementation of these rights.
  • The World Service Authority (WSA): Manu-El:Bey is a World Citizen with the WSA, which is an organization that promotes universal human rights and world peace.
  • The Church of Spiritual Humanism: Manu-El:Bey is a spiritual humanist, and he is committed to promoting peace, justice, and compassion for all people.

In addition to his ongoing work in these organizations, Manu-El:Bey is also:

  • Giving lectures and presentations on human rights
  • Writing articles and essays on human rights
  • Participating in protests and demonstrations
  • Organizing workshops and training sessions
  • Providing legal assistance to people who are denied their human rights

Manu-El:Bey’s work is essential to promoting human rights and creating a more just and equitable world. His dedication to this cause is an inspiration to us all.


His call to action resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the transformative power of education, advocacy, and defending the inherent rights of all individuals. Noble I’m Manu-El:Bey’s story is an enduring testament to the impact that one individual can have on the world when fueled by a passion for justice and equality. As we celebrate his legacy, we are reminded that the fight for human rights is ongoing, and each person has a role to play in shaping a more just and equitable future.

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